
Muhammad Sadiq



Service number:



Royal Indian Army Service Corps – Force K6 – 42 Mule Coy.

Date of death:

28 June 1942 Aged 29

Place of death:

Near Loch Alvie



Kingussie Cemetery

Force K6 Memorial Kingussie

A Naik was a non-commissioned officer rank equivalent to a corporal in the British Army. Son of Allah Ditta, of Sukho, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. His death registration shows him as a single man. His usual residence is given as Sukho village, Rawalpindi District, Punjab, India. His father is given as Mustafa, a farmer, who was deceased and his mother is given as Jaiflan Bibi.

His cause of death is given as haemorrhage from a penetrating wound of the lungs, heart and venacava. His death was registered based on the information provided by the Procurator-Fiscal following the certification of his death by two doctors.

The inscriptions on the gravestone, in Arabic, reads “Ho Val Ghaffoor – He, the Forgiving One” and below from the Quran “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oon – Indeed we belong to Him (God) and Indeed we return to Him.”

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