Kingussie’s World War One Casualties
Kingussie’s First World War record compares with other communities in the UK. In the First World War at least 50 per cent of the male population signed up to the various branches of the Army, Navy and Air Force with some of the men traveling from as far as Canada and Australia to make their contribution to the war effort. Almost every Kingussie Territorial Reserve volunteered to go to the front when asked. The map below shows the addresses associated with some of the casualties.
The main War Memorial has 60 names from World War One and a further 23 from World War Two. With exception of one who died in Gallipoli, all First World War casualties died in the UK or on the Western Front in France and Belgium. Many have no known grave and are commemorated on the Memorials to the Missing.
During the World Wars the dead were buried where they fell with simple headstones erected by the Imperial (now Commonwealth) War Graves Commission. All gravestones are the same regardless of rank simple recording the name, rank, number and regiment of the casualty. In addition some have a short inscription chosen by the family.
Map of Kingussie locations associated with individual Casualties
Casualties From World War One