Surname: MacKintosh
Forename(s): Angus Malcolm
Rank: Lance Corporal
Service number: 2940253
Regiment: 1st Bn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Date of death: 16 May 1944 Aged 21
Place of death: Cassino, Italy


Cassino War Cemetery I. E. 14

Kingussie War Memorial


Angus was born in 1923 and his birth was registered in Kingussie. His parents were Finlay MacKintosh (born 1887) and Bella m.s. McKenzie who were married in Leith on 24 October 1913. In the 1911 Census his parents are living at Campbell’s Buildings, Kingussie.

In 1917, at the time of his brother Finlay’s birth, Angus father is described as an assistant grocer and presently a gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery.

In the 1921 Census the family are living in the High Street, Kingussie where his father is described as a grocer working for J.C.Dallas and also present is Angus paternal grandfather James who is described as a sawmiller.

His eldest brother Finlay, who was born in 1917, married by Warrant of the Sherriff at the Castle, Inverness to Williamina MacPherson 15 June 1940. Finlay’s occupation was given as Tunnel Miner.

He had an older sister and older brothers Duncan and Donald also died in World War Two. His brother Finlay John MacKintosh survived.

War Record

Angus died at Cassino, Italy 16 May 1944.  His body was exhumed from a temporary grave, possibly at Venafro, Italy and re-interred at the Cassino War Cemetery on 28 February 1945 in sight of the Monte Cassino Abbey.

His grave bears the inscription chosen by the family

Consolatrix affictorum

Ora pro eo

Translates as

Comforter of the afflicted

Pray for him

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